Baked Avocado, Salmon & Eggs for A Low Carb Breakfast

Looking for low carb breakfast options? Baked avocado with salmon and eggs is perfect for a quick, satisfying and fulfilling breakfast. Also a great option for inviting friends over for brunch - whip up some pancakes/waffles and bacon, add some fresh fruit and you've got a winning combination. 

For extra tips and tricks, and a scene by scene commentary, switch on the subtitles. 

Baked Avocado with Salmon and Eggs (serves 1-2)

1 avocado
2 small eggs
2 slices of smoked salmon
Salt & pepper
Chili flakes to garnish (optional)

Preheat your oven to 180C.

Halve a ripe avocado and remove the seed. 

Crack two eggs into a bowl. You want to keep the yolk whole. 

Add the avocado halves to an oven proof dish. Layer with smoked salmon slices and form a small hole in the middle. Add the yolk - it should sit comfortably in the hole. (You may need to scoop a little avocado out to hold the yolk). Season with salt and pepper. For a runny yolk, bake in the oven for 10 minutes at 180C.

For some extra spice, garnish with some chili flakes. 

Feel free to make a small, plain omelet on the side with the egg whites. 


You may have noticed there's music on this video! In part I'm trying something new. But the real story is that I got a new mic and didn't realize how powerful it was! I kind of like it - would love to know your feedback!