Making A Sourdough Starter From Scratch

What's better than a freshly baked loaf of sourdough? If sourdough is something you've always wanted to bake with but never knew where to start, here's your recipe. This video takes you through how to create and maintain your very own sourdough starter. 

It's so simple, you'd wish you'd started sooner.

Sourdough starter Made From Wild Yeast

3/4 cups plain organic flour
1/2 cup lukewarm water

Mix together well. Transfer to a container and cover with an item that will allow the wild yeast can breathe. Store in a warm-ish place. Every 24 hours you're going to feed your starter. To feed your starter, first remove half of your starter. You can use this half to bake with, throw it away or give it to someone else who dreams of baking sourdough. Once that is removed, add 1/2 cup water and 3/4 cups flours and mix together. Then cover and store again. Feed your starter like this for about a week or so, every 24 hours. After 7 days (it might take longer) you might start to see a lot of activity. Then you can transfer your starter to the fridge to only feed once a week. 


Next steps are to figure out what you want to make with your amazing new sourdough starter. Get inspired by clicking through the gallery below.